Thursday, April 14, 2011

What Instructions Can I Provide in my Will? Can I Refuse to Provide for Some Members of My Family?

You can provide little instruction or very detailed instructions in your Will.  Usually, though, a Will provides instructions for the care of any children and also names a "personal representative" to manage and distribute your estate after you die.  The personal representative, which can also be legal entity, gathers your property, pays any debts and taxes, and distributes the balance of your estate to the people or organizations you have named in your Will.

Specifically excluding a person from inheriting part of your estate is called "disinheriting."  A married person cannot disinherit a spouse without the spouse’s consent. You may specifically exclude or "disinherit" a child as long as you are clear about it in the Will so that the disinheritance does not appear to be a mistake.

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