Did you know that a lease can be either oral or written. State Statute defines a lease as "an oral or written agreement creating a tenancy in real property". Minn. Stat. §504B.001
A well written lease for a term of any length can help when issues arise for both the landlord and the tenant. It will help define the relationship. It is like the old adage “fences make good neighbors”, here a well written lease will make good landlords and tenants. I have seen different disputes that have involving written and oral leases. The written lease situations always ended relatively quickly and inexpensively. Contrarily, the situations that involved an oral lease were messy, drawn out and expensive.
If you are a property owner you need a lease and not all leases are the same. Contact me to talk about leases and get it right the first time to avoid expensive disputes. If you are a prospective tenant, remember that a lease is a binding contract and that once you sign it you are bound by its terms. Contact an attorney to review your contract before you sign.
Cleaning Woodford When renting a carpet cleaner machine, you cannot be sure was it cleaned by the person who had rented the machine before you. If it is not properly cleaned, you risk to spread dirt, pet hair, germs and whatever else into your carpet. Most professional cleaning companies, including carpet cleaning London, maintain their equipment thoroughly clean to ensure the best result for their clients.